All About Heart And Blood Vessels

Ambulatory ECG – Holter monitoring

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Ambulatory ECG – Holter monitoring

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Ambulatory ECG monitoring is better known as Holter monitoring. A small device usually of the size of a mobile phone continuously records ECG signals from the body for a period of 24 to 48 hours. The device is worn on a belt pouch while the electrodes (ECG leads) are connected to adhesive patches placed on standard recording sites over the chest. The person can move around and even routine work, though damage to the recording device and electrodes have to be prevented. Any change in heart rhythm during routine day to day activities can be recorded and compared with a diary of events kept by the subject. It is very useful in abnormal heart rhythms which occur on a daily basis, but are not so frequent as to be captured on a simple ECG. Undue slowing of heart and abnormal regular or irregular fast rhythms all can be recorded and analyzed by the Holter analyzer when it retrieves the data after completion of the recording, usually the next day or the day after that, depending on whether it is 24 or 48 hour Holter.

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