All About Heart And Blood Vessels

Gene mutation that burns fat faster!

Gene mutation that burns fat faster!

The study which uncovered a gene mutation which burns fat faster, was conducted on 809 members of the Old Order Amish community. It involved going to the clinic in Lancaster and drinking a rick milk shake made mostly of heavy cream. Their blood was sampled over the next six hours and the amount of triglycerides – a type of fat –  in their blood stream was assessed. Most of them responded as expected. The blood level of triglycerides rose for 3-4 hours and then decreased. But nearly 5% of them responded differently. Their triglyceride level started out at a low level and showed hardly any increase.

The researchers have linked this interesting phenomenon, to a mutation in a gene – apoC-III. This is the gene which is responsible for production of the protein APOC3, which slows down the metabolism of triglycerides.

In individuals with the mutated copy of the gene, the breakdown of triglycerides occurred extremely quickly and hence resulted in hardly any increase in the blood level of triglycerides. Also, they had low levels of LDL,  the bad cholesterol,  high levels of which tends to be bad for the heart. Their HDL, the good cholesterol, was at a higher level too. This coincided with a lower level of arterial plaques, the factor responsible for heart attacks and strokes.

The Amish were ideal for the research as they were an isolated population living in the country for 14 generations and they shared many genes. The gene mutation was traced back to a member of the Amish community who lived in the 18th century.

The gene is also influenced by insulin, and individuals with diabetes have higher levels of APOC3 protein, resulting in high levels of triglycerides and in turn an increased risk of heart disease.

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