All About Heart And Blood Vessels

What is coronary calcium scoring?

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What is coronary calcium scoring?

Coronary calcium scoring is a type of imaging of the heart with X-rays using multidetector computed tomography (CT) scan. MDCT produces images of the heart and its blood vessels in multiple thin slices. Calcium deposits in plaques within the blood vessels of the heart can be found from these images. Calcium deposits occur within fat deposits inside the blood vessels, which later can block them and produce a heart attack.

Coronary calcium scoring can be done as an outpatient test from the X-ray department. As no contrast medication is injected, there is no risk of allergic reactions unlike CT coronary angiography. A few seconds of breath holding during the scan procedures gives better images. ECG leads connected to the chest can time the images during the time when heart relaxes after a contraction.

The total amount of calcium in the major blood vessels supplying oxygenated blood to the heart is calculated and given as an Agatston score. A zero score would mean that there is no calcium deposits in the blood vessels of the heart and indicates very low chance of developing a heart attack in the near future. Higher the score, higher the risk.

A score of 100 – 300 indicates moderate amount of calcium in the plaques and carries somewhat high risk of a heart attack, while a score more than 300 carries a very high risk. All these values are not absolute, because it is only a single factor. Other risk factors in the individual have to be assessed by an expert doctor to quantify the risk more accurately and take appropriate preventive measures.

For that matter, a zero score does not mean a zero risk for heart attack. About one fourth to one third of total heart and blood vessel disease occur in those with a coronary calcium score of zero! This is particularly relevant in younger individuals who tend to have lesser calcium in the blood vessel walls. Fat deposits without calcium can also break and cause clot formation and a heart attack sometimes. This emphasizes the need for a preventive strategy of healthy lifestyle right from early life.

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