All About Heart And Blood Vessels

Why would a 12 yr old girl have a heart attack?

Why would a 12 yr old girl have a heart attack?

Though every once knows that a 12 year old girl is very unlikely to have a heart attack, there are very rare situations in which it can occur. One such situation is a disease known as Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki disease is a disease in children with fever, skin rash and redness of mouth and tongue. Coronary arteries which supply oxygenated blood to the heart can get damaged in Kawasaki disease. This can cause localized dilatations (anuerysms) in coronary artery which can be site for clot formation and obstruction, leading to heart attack. These are quite rare situations. Another potential cause is an abnormal origin of a coronary artery due to a birth defect. It could pass between the pulmonary artery (blood vessel taking deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation) and the aorta (largest blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood to the body) and get compressed between the two producing a sudden heart attack. This is also a very very rare occurrence.

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