Cordyline or Ti Plant

Cordyline or Ti Plant

Cordyline or Ti plant is very easy to grow at home. Cordyline plants come in a variety of colors including those with green leaves. They can grow into tall bushes.

Here is the most common variety of Ti plants in this locality:

Ti plant
Ti plant

Two stems of the Ti plant are seen near each other. A crepe jasmine plant with green leaves can be seen behind and between the two Ti plant stems.

This is a more colorful variety of Ti plant seen over here:

Cordyline or Ti Plant
Cordyline or Ti Plant

This plant has been called Hawaiian Ti plant and even as Good Luck Plant! These are perennial plants which can grow for decades, like the other Ti plant.

Here is another Ti plant of the initial variety, which has been adorning my garden for nearly two decades:

Ti plant bush
Ti plant bush

It has grown into a tall bush with large number of branches and leaves. The plant is very sturdy and grows well even with very little care.

Their sturdiness can be seen from this picture:

Ti and Okra
Ti and Okra

Here I had put the pruned stem of a Ti plant as a support for the Okra plant which had a slender stem. You can see that it has sprouted 4 new leaves. I had similar experience when I have used pruned Ti plant stem as a support for my red cow pea plants. Sometimes the Ti stems grow faster than the plant for which it had been used as a support and I have to nip off the sprouts regularly to prevent it from overgrowing the other plant!