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Amplatz coronary catheters

Amplatz coronary catheters

Amplatz coronary catheters

Amplatz right coronary catheter can be used to cannulate right coronary arteries with abnormal, usually, an inferior origin. Amplatz left coronary catheter is used to engage left coronary ostia which are difficult to cannulate with Judkins left coronary catheter. It is useful in case of short left main stem and separate origins of left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries. Amplatz left coronary catheter is also used to engage high anterior right coronary arteries (RCAs) or Shepherd’s Crook RCA. While engaging the left coronary artery with amplatz catheter, it is to be noted that pushing the catheter will cause disengagement and pulling the catheter will cause deeper engagement of the Amplatz catheter, due to its peculiar curve. Three types of Amplatz curves – AL I, AL II and AL III are available. Curve of the catheter in the image above, has partly straightened out as it is a used specimen for disposal.

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