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Extravirgin olive oil may reduce atrial fibrillation – PREDIMED sub study

Extravirgin olive oil may reduce atrial fibrillation – PREDIMED sub study

The PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) was a randomized primary prevention trial which evaluated extravirgin olive oil and mixed nuts along with Mediterranean diet. The study showed that it reduces the incidence of stroke, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular mortality. A substudy [1] checked whether these dietary modifications had any effect on incidence of atrial fibrillation. Of the six thousand seven hundred odd patients without atrial fibrillation at randomization, seventy two developed atrial fibrillation after a mean follow up of around five years. It was found that Mediterranean diet with extravirgin olive oil significantly reduced the risk of atrial fibrillation while the combination with mixed nuts did not.


  1. Miguel Á Martínez-González, Estefanía Toledo, Fernando Arós, Miquel Fiol, Dolores Corella, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Emilio Ros, Maria I Covas, Joaquín Fernández-Crehuet, José Lapetra, Miguel A Muñoz, Monserrat Fitó, Luis Serra-Majem, Xavier Pintó, Rosa M Lamuela-Raventós, Jose V Sorlí, Nancy Babio, Pilar Buil-Cosiales, Valentina Ruiz-Gutierrez, Ramón Estruch, Alvaro Alonso, PREDIMED Investigators. Extravirgin Olive Oil Consumption Reduces Risk of Atrial Fibrillation: The PREDIMED (Prevención Con Dieta Mediterránea) Trial. Circulation. 2014 Jul 1;130(1):18-26.
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