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Heart disease risk increases if you skip your breakfast

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Heart disease risk increases if you skip your breakfast

Risk of coronary artery disease increases if you skip your breakfast, so says a study published in Circulation [1]. The study assessed the eating habits of nearly twenty seven thousand health care professionals, who were free from cardiovascular disease and cancer. They were American men aged 45 to 82 years of age, participating in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

During a sixteen year follow up, a little over thousand five hundred of them developed CAD. Cox proportional hazards model analysis showed that men who skipped their breakfast had twenty seven percent higher risk of developing CAD. Those who ate late at night had a fifty five percent higher risk of CAD. There was association with dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and body mass index.


  1. Leah E Cahill, Stephanie E Chiuve, Rania A Mekary, Majken K Jensen, Alan J Flint, Frank B Hu, Eric B Rimm. Prospective Study of Breakfast Eating and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in a Cohort of Male US Health Professionals. Circulation. 2013;128:337-343.
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