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Left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis

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Left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis

Left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis – AP cranial view

Stenosis of mid segment of left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery seen on anteroposterior (AP) cranial view just after diagonal branch. Distal LAD is relatively narrow and there is mild ectasia just after the LAD stenosis. Proximal LAD also shows mild plaques. Major OM (obtuse marginal) is a good sized vessel with proximal discrete stenosis. LCX (left circumflex) beyond the origin of major OM is a small vessel.

LAD stenosis – LAO cranial view

LAD stenosis is seen better in this LAO (left anterior oblique) cranial view. Stenosis of major OM is hidden in this view. It may be noted that the diaphragm is well seen in both the cranial views.

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