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Pardee sign on ECG in acute myocardial infarction

Pardee sign on ECG in acute myocardial infarction

ST elevation of acute myocardial infarction was described by Harold E.B. Pardee in 1920 and has been called the Pardee sign [1]. The article has been cited in an article by Erwin Christian de Bliek [2]. The latter article mentions that upsloping convex ST elevation seen during acute phase of myocardial infarction is considered the typical morphology of ST elevation myocardial infarction (Pardee’s sign) and has a high positive predictive value. They also mention that the concave morphology of ST elevation is less specific for ST elevation myocardial infarction as it can be found in many other non-ischemic conditions.

An ECG with Pardee’s sign is illustrated here. Other ECGs showing hyperacute phase of inferior wall myocardial infarction are illustrated here and here.


  1. Pardee HEB. An electrocardiographic sign of coronary artery obstruction. Arch Intern Med 1920; 26: 244– 257.
  2. de Bliek EC. ST elevation: Differential diagnosis and caveats. A comprehensive review to help distinguish ST elevation myocardial infarction from nonischemic etiologies of ST elevation. Turk J Emerg Med. 2018 Feb 17;18(1):1-10.
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