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PTCA balloon at obtuse marginal (OM) lesion

PTCA Balloon at Obtuse Marginal (OM) Lesion

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PTCA balloon at obtuse marginal (OM) lesion

PTCA balloon at obtuse marginal (OM) lesion

Left coronary angiogram, partially filled frame, showing PTCA balloon positioned at a lesion in the obtuse marginal branch of the left circumflex coronary artery. The vessel is underfilled possibly because of worsening of obstruction by the balloon. This balloon has a proximal and a distal radio-opaque marker. Some smaller balloons have only one radio-opaque marker in the middle. The check angio is taken to make sure that the balloon is positioned exactly across the lesion before inflation. The more radio opaque floppy end of the PTCA guide wire can be seen distally in the obtuse marginal branch.

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