Selvester QRS scoring for estimation of infarct size

Selvester QRS scoring for estimation of infarct size

Selvester QRS scoring system is a 50 criteria 31 point QRS scoring system which was developed for estimating the infarct size from ECG. Each point on the scoring system will account for about 3% of left ventricular myocardium. The scoring system used 10 of the standard 12 leads with weighting for each criteria ranging from 1 to 3 points. Lead III and aVR are not included in this scoring system. Maximum points that can be taken from each lead are as follows:
I:         2
II:       2
aVL:   2
aVF:   5
V1:      5
V2:      5
V3:     1
V4:     3
V5:     3
V6:     3
Pathological Q wave in any lead gets 1 point each on the scoring system. Other criteria depends on the R/S and R/Q ratios and R wave amplitudes. It is difficult to do the scoring manually and hence it has not become very popular for clinical use. Computerised algorithms have been developed for automated scoring.