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What does 1256 SVPC mean on a Holter report?

What does SVPC mean on a Holter report

What does SVPC mean on a Holter report

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What does 1256 SVPC mean on a Holter report?

Holter monitoring is a 24 hour record of the electrical activity of the heart. Most Holters these days have either two or three ECG channels for recording. The electronic record is downloaded into a Holter analyzer the next day and analyzed. SVPC is the short form for supra ventricular premature complex. It means abnormal beats originating in the upper chambers of the heart. Generally they are not that harmful. But their presence may indirectly indicate that the upper chambers of heart, the atria are stretched or irritable due to disease processes. This can be ascertained only by physical examination and ancillary investigations like an ultrasound scanning of the heart, echocardiogram.

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