New Headphones for CW Work

One of my local ham friends told me over the air that headphones are a must for CW work. Though I looked around for the brand suggested by him, I could not locate one in the shops here and settled for this one. He had also mentioned that any high end headphone will do. In addition to adujstable head band, it has additional 6.5mm phono adapter. My radio has 3.5mm head phone socket. So I am using the built-in 3.5mm pin and the 6.5mm adapter has been kept in the shelf for any potential use in future. Earpads are well cushioned and quite comfortable to use. It will be nice to use it for working DX on CW while others sleeping at home. CW paddles will not produce much noise, avoiding disturbance to others. But if I try to use it for SSB contacts, I might end up yelling louder into the mic, causing much disturbance Of course, working FT8 may be least disturbing, though I am yet to get into the digital mode.