See My Antique Hand Drill!

Wonder how many of you would have used this type of mechanical hand drill for your homebrewing? Now every one has either an electrically driven hand drill or even cordless hand drills running on rechargeable batteries. But this mechanical hand drill was my work horse in yester years when I homebrewed my 3 x 807 vacuum tube radio with 120 W DC input. Chassis for the radio was from an old vacuum tube audio amplifier sourced from the local Sunday junk market. I had to drill multiple holes for all the components right from the 600 VAC transformer supplied by a local ham friend. The existing holes on the chassis would not suit for the new components in all locations. Even drilling a small hole was quite a tough job. If a hole larger than the largest bit size was needed, I used to work around with multiple smaller holes and then joining all of them together using a file and smoothening the edges!