What is a Half-Wave Sloper Antenna in Amateur Radio?

What is a Half-Wave Sloper Antenna in Amateur Radio?

Half-Wave Sloper Antenna is also known simply as Sloper Antenna. It is useful when there is only a single vertical support and limited horizontal space, which is common in city dwellings. Typically the slope may be 45 to 60 degrees. Lower end of the wire has to be at least one sixth of the wave length above the electrical ground. Sloper has a low angle radiation pattern suitable for DX communications.

What is a Half-Wave Sloper Antenna in Amateur Radio
What is a Half-Wave Sloper Antenna in Amateur Radio?

The outer sleeve of the coax will pick up RF radiated from the antenna and cause RF interference in equipments like computers in the radio shack. This can be prevented by winding a part of the feeder coax just before entering the shack into an RF choke. Eight turns of the coax wound on a four inch PVC former will serve as an RF choke, preventing the entry of signals picked up by the coax sleeve into the shack.