Recurrence of blood clots in legs

Recurrence of blood clots in legs

Blood clots in legs can occur due to several reasons, which have been discussed earlier. The chance for recurrence depends on whether the original cause is still there or has been resolved. Those who had blood clots in the legs after a surgery or delivery can get a recurrence if they undergo the same again, otherwise less likely. Similarly those who had blood clots in the legs after a long air travel, the so called ‘Economy class syndrome’ should take precautions for prevention during next long haul flight. Simple preventive methods have also been discussed earlier.

Some studies have placed the chance of recurrence at around 10% at one year and 40% at 10 years. But this figure is variable among different studies. Still there is no doubt that there is a definite risk of recurrence unless you are meticulous about the preventive measures. The chance of recurrence is higher in those who had clots without being bedridden or the other reversible risk factors mentioned in the beginning.

Genetic predisposition can be there in some individuals who have an abnormal blood clotting tendency. This can be detected by blood tests done during the interval period, though a detailed testing may be expensive. In the initial days after the episode of blood clotting, the most important method to prevent recurrence is to take the medications prescribed regularly. Some of the medications may need regular monitoring of blood clotting function to assess efficacy and prevent bleeding episodes.

Those who developed clots after air travel, surgery or after delivery can consult their physician regarding the preventive medications needed next time. Long term preventive medications are considered for those who have recurrent episodes and in those who have an active risk factor like cancer under treatment. During long haul flights and while resting after surgery or delivery, emphasis is to provide as much movements of the legs as possible, to prevent the blood flow becoming sluggish. Elastic graded compression stockings are another option. In the hospital, intermittent pneumatic compression devices are also used often for prevention of blood clots in legs.

Lifestyle modifications are useful just as in other diseases of heart and blood vessels. Maintaining an ideal body weight and weight reduction in case of obesity are useful. Enhanced physical activity, as much as permissible by medical conditions if any is also important. Smoking being a risk factor for clot formation, should be stopped. Caution with leg massage may be advisable in those who had a clot because it could displace a clot and cause migration to the lungs.