Chest X-ray finding in acute pulmonary edema – MCQ – Answer

Chest X-ray finding in acute pulmonary edema – MCQ – Answer

Chest X-ray finding in acute pulmonary edema is described as – Correct answer: b) Bat wing appearance

Haziness of the lung fields with ground glass opacity extending peripherally from the hila like a batwing is classical in acute pulmonary edema.

Kerley A lines are due to distension of lymphatic channels between central and peripheral lymphatics in the lung and occurs in chronic pulmonary venous hypertension as in mitral stenosis. Pulmonary plethora is noted in left to right shunts. Cephalization is prominence of upper lobe vessels in pulmonary venous hypertension (also known as antler sign, inverted mustache sign and redistribution of pulmonary flow).

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