Irregular palpitation – MCQ – Answer

Irregular palpitation – MCQ – Answer

A 25 year old female complains of irregular palpitation. Clinical examination does not reveal any finding of structural heart disease. Most likely cause of palpitation is – Correct answer: b) Frequent ventricular ectopic beats

In a young person without structural heart disease, most likely arrhythmia is isolated ventricular ectopic beats, most often benign. Palpitation due to anxiety is due to sinus tachycardia and is regular. In patients with mitral stenosis, atrial fibrillation can occur at the age of 25 years, though the incidence increases as age advances. In elderly persons with irregular palpitation, atrial fibrillation is likely, even in the absence of structural heart disease.

Second degree heart block also causes irregular heart rhythm, but disorder is much rarer than ventricular ectopy. Heart rhythm is regular in first degree and third degree (complete) heart block.

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