Effects of statins on HDL cholesterol and triglycerides

Effects of statins on HDL cholesterol and triglycerides

Although the main effects of statins are on lowering LDL cholesterol, there is a variable effect on HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The magnitude of rise in HDL-cholesterol varies between the various statins. On the average it is about 10 %, but can reach up to 20 % or more. The effect is also dose dependent.

Triglyceride lowering by statins depends on basal triglyceride levels. With triglyceride levels between 200 and 400 mg/dL, triglyceride / LDL-C lowering ratio is 0.8. The ratio is 0.6 – 0.8 when the levels are between 150-200 mg/dL. The ratio becomes 0.3-0.4 when the triglyceride levels are below 150 mg/dL. The triglyceride lowering effects of statins are not optimal when triglyceride values are above 400 mg/dL.